
Our Mission

Soul Owner is a community art organization that holds space for artists to engage and enrich the Memphis community through art exhibitions, performances, and programming. Our work seeks to empower artists and the Memphis community as we connect through creation.

Our Space

Located in the artistically-rich Vollintine Evergreen neighborhood of Memphis, TN, Soul Owner’s 2000 sqft of white marble floors, natural light, and white walls lend themselves well to innovation.

In 1928, Memphian Clarence Saunders lost it all, including the rights to his successful chain of grocery stores known as Piggly Wiggly. Instead of folding in fear, he brushed it off and began again. He opened a chain of stores called “Sole Owner of My Own Name” stores each bearing this crest (CSSO). A strange name but a novel concept: What if we stood behind our dreams recognizing that we are their sole owner? We are the only chance our soul gets to prove our vision.

Soul Owner is a place to do just that. Stay tuned and start dreaming.